410 – NH3 to NO Converter module

Product Description

This compact 19” rack enclosure houses either a NH3 to NO converter or NO2 to NO catalysts, as well as a self contained heated filter and calibration gas selection valve. It is generally used with chemiluminescent NOx analysers.

This compact 19” rack enclosure houses either a NH3 to NO converter or NO2 to NO catalysts, as well as a self contained heated filter and calibration gas selection valve. It is generally used with chemiluminescent NOx analysers.


➔ Ancillary Equipment Brochure

➔ Datasheet

➔ User Manual


AdBlue/Urea injection control

Ammonia Slip


Biomass combustion monitoring

Boiler and Combustion Performance

Boiler/stove emissions compliance

Combustion emissions monitoring

Combustion research


Engine Exhaust

Fertiliser process control/monitoring

Flue gas emissions monitoring

Gas purity

Gas turbine exhaust emissions

Greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement

Linearity Checking

Medical gas purity

NOx converter efficiency testing

NOx emissions monitoring

Process control

Process Emission Monitoring

Refrigerant measurement

Safety monitoring

Scrubber efficiency

SNCR – Selective Non-catalytic Reduction

Source emissions

Specialist Research

Toxic Gas Measurement

Vehicle emissions

Technical Specification

RANGE:  0-10,000ppm


CONVERTER MATERIAL: Platinum or Alumina


SAMPLE SYSTEM TEMPERATURE: 200ºC (Sample System comprises – heated filter and NH3 calibration solenoid valve.)

HEATED FILTER TYPE: Quick release via rear panel. Hydrocarbon free. Fibreglass 0.5 micron.

CALIBRATION GAS: Appropriate level of NH3 in balance of air not nitrogen.

MAINS VOLTAGE: 220V/240V/50Hz or 110V/120V/60Hz

POWER: 750 watts

DIMENSIONS: 19” rack, 3U high, 133(h) x 190(w) x 490(d) mm

WEIGHT: 10kg