Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a significant environmental pollutant and a prominent component of urban smog. It originates from combustion processes such as vehicle engines, power plants, and industrial activities. Monitoring nitrogen dioxide is critical for public health and environmental compliance, as NO2 can cause respiratory problems and contribute to the formation of acid rain and atmospheric particulates.

Signal Group offers advanced nitrogen dioxide analysers that provide precise, reliable, and continuous monitoring to help industries and urban areas manage and reduce their NO2 emissions effectively.


Chemiluminescent Detector (CLD) NOX analysers for NO/NO2/NOx measurement in engine emissions, combustion studies, process plant, Emission monitoring and medical gas production.

very low quenching from CO2 and H2O

electronic proportional flow controllers

special ozone generator uses air as feed gas

long life NOx converter (5 years)

Choose Signal Group for Reliable Nitrogen Dioxide Monitoring

Signal Group’s nitrogen dioxide analysers are essential tools for industries and municipalities focused on improving air quality and protecting public health.  Contact us today to learn how our solutions can assist in achieving your environmental monitoring goals.